Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I have lost 1KG/2.2lbs

Well…I might not have started training for a marathon, I am talking baby steps but I am getting there.
While sitting watching TV I am moving my legs…Moving my arms….I have been out for a couple of walks…Does not sound much and in the past I have done WAY,WAY.WAY more!!! But I have also crashed and burned very early on. I found excuses not to carry on….I am not trying to justify myself here. I am saying after looking at what I have done and how I have finished up, this is just what I kept doing.

Monday I did the school run…I came home to my oats, hot milk and fresh blueberries…and then I slept until around 2 pm….I have no idea why. Ate a very quick lunch …only because I had a headache and I did not want tablets/pills….I also drank a load of water.
I went on the school run…on the way back we needed to get running shoes for school. While there I had seen a pair of walking trainers…only pair there and in my size…. So I never even thought, Do I actually need these…They were already reduced…the man gave me a further discount…plus because we were buying 2 pairs and it was over a certain amount we got an extra 10% off….Let me tell you it is like walking on air….and I was able to find shoes to fit me…
Yesterday had me getting my gym cloths out….
Yesterday had me walking and I was dancing in the house….The Dancing nearly wiped me out…I am not a dancing by any means but as nobody could see me I danced to loud music, I sang and afterwards I felt great.
Yesterday I also started helping at an after school club….this is NOT me at all…but I am reaching outside of my comfort zone.
I also found out yesterday my health is not the best….no surprise really as I have hypertension. But finding out I have other things wrong as well….was a shocking hearing it out loud…but I knew in my heart of hearts….
I am certainly hoping so…..
Last night’s dinner was protein and loaded with veggies. When I thought I was hungry I ate tangerines.
I have made sure I have easy access to food that is better for me than potato chips, chocolate and candies. I have fresh fruit read to eat. Today I will chop up veggie sticks. And make a yogurt dip….
NO MORE HUMMUS….I love my hummus that I make…but I realized a LOT of oil in there and I eat the WHOLE THING….this is not good…
I am working on portion control and moderation…..this will be the hardest I think

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ok – here I am again….I have family here so my plans went out the window…not because I can’t bothered because I do…but because I want to enjoy my time with my sister….
My sister is very healthy and fit, she exercises and eats well. So I have to say SHE IS NOT HOLDING ME BACK!!!!
I have not eaten to excess….nor have I thought…hummmm can’t eat this, or can’t eat that. Nor have I stuffed my face until I feel sick from having a sugar/food overload or because I feel guilty.

I have signed up for basketball and Net ball…to say I was slightly concerned would be a LIE…I am worried sick…my size, my fitness level…sounding like a I am dying within the 1st 30 seconds…The sweat…the holding the other back….I think you’re getting my drift…..

Positive thoughts…I will and can do!!!!!...not sure when I will be giving this 100% but I am working up to it!!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Well I am back….Missed a day of letting you know how bad I am….
Yesterday I was not overly bad or even naughty. But I never exercised…

Today I went to Disney and walked…not much by most people’s standards but by mine it was a LOT!!!!!!
I did have fast food for lunch.

On a good note I have drunk a load of water the past two days.

I read that one thing that was good for weight lose, is sleep.
Well I think that is explaining why I am not losing weight…I don’t sleep much…..I am mean it is 13.32 am here right now...so you might be getting my drift.

I have started to think positive and stepping out of my comfort zone….I would never have drove to Disney on my own with the kids…NEVER…but I did.
I have started the ball rolling for ANOTHER book club…while this will require me to sit on my backside to read, It will also mean I am out of the house another couple of hours a month!!!!!
This is all a BIG deal for me!!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Well….Yesterday I seemed to type the talk, and that was it! …I started off well but then ate…half of a small naan bread, about a cup of curry chicken and THEN…..chicken wings and big steak fries and THEN…..I had a ice cream sandwich.

I did intend to go out walking this morning and then do Zuma (at home) then….may be join the husband at the gym….big ideas and little effort.
I should be ashamed of myself….I do feel a bit guilty…but seems not enough….
So I thought I should get on here and post this straight away, before I can think of yet ANOTHER excuse!!!!!

I will do some sort of exercise today, not sure what but something…even if I walk around the park a couple of times.

I have weighed and I have thought about measuring myself in inches to see if I lose any inches.

I have a dress that I bought a while back and I have never worn…..
So my first goal is to fit into that dress…I have until the end of January…..

NO MORE EXCUSES…It might be a slow journey but I have to get there!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I am going to be completely honest here, well if I am not it won’t be really worth doing this blog.
In the past I have tried to lose weight and exercise…but how much effort I have actually put into all this was never enough…or if it was enough effort it was never for long enough.
This morning after I talked with Karen @ Karen’s Carb Crazy Kitchen, I realized just how much I was putting off here….Karen mentioned some of the things I could eat. As it is Sunday morning here, I decided to make a cooked breakfast….I enjoyed my breakfast, minus the usual soft white bread. I would normally NEED to complete this meal. I did say NEED. I don’t actually like bread all that much, but sometimes soft white buttered bread….Well need I say any more.
One of my biggest problems is that when I am alone in the house I need to eat…I have no idea why I need to eat but I do. I am not sure if I eat just out of habit…Because it’s not boredom…last week for two days I was home alone and did not really need to go out…So I watched TV and ate and ate…then ate some more….I did run the vacuum around, make beds, the laundry etc, not that does not really take that long.
So I know I need to be active…which does not mean spending all my day in a gym, but doing something AWAY from the house…or trying to do things in the house that is AWAY from the kitchen.
The one thing that does go in my favor is that I am not a night time grazer….When I have had dinner…99% that’s enough for me.

I have decided to weigh once a week. Try and could out wheat, or eat less what and cut down on Potatoes.
The cutting down the potatoes is going to prove to be the hardest for me.
To me, pure heaven is roasted potatoes with homemade gravy….I have been known to make this just because……

So today:
Sunday 23rd October….
I have eaten a cooked breakfast of bacon, sausage, poached eggs, mushrooms and some beans. WITHOUT the bread…..
I have put some grapes in the freezer to eat as a snack.
And I have started this blog to help me with my journey to a healthier and hopefully thinner me.